Elise Christiansen

I have a background within the financial sector, where I have worked for 15+ years in the Nordics, UK, Switzerland and Canada. Both as an employee and as a consultant.
For a couple of years ago I joined a  study in Biodiversity and Environmental health, to acquire knowledge of the current biodiversity crisis.
Shortly I want to join the green transition.

A combination of my financial background and my recent education within Biodiversity and Ecosystem health, has provided me with an expertise useful within situations where project management, data handling, programming, reporting, statistics, analytical skills, communication and stakeholder management forms a toolbox for successful professional green projects.

I have an inquiring mindset, a good social intuition and insist on a respectful and fruitful relation with colleagues, clients and /or stakeholders where humor makes work inspiring.
As a consultant I am used to acquire new knowledge quickly and adjust to new situations.


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    Venlig hilsen
    Email: MAIL@MAIL.DK

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Financial analyst with a green touch.
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